Zoo Truck Mix Up

In this delightful tale, Zeke the zebra embarks on an unexpected journey when he accidentally boards the wrong truck. As he explores his surprising new surroundings, Zeke meets a variety of farm animals, from clucking chickens to a thoughtful horse, each with an important job. This charming adventure leads Zeke to ponder his own role, prompting self-discovery and highlighting that everyone, no matter how different, has a special role to play.

Zoo Truck Mix Up teaches the importance of recognizing and valuing everyone’s unique contributions. This engaging and uplifting story is perfect for elementary-aged children, encouraging young learners to celebrate the differences in themselves and others.

Add Zoo Truck Mix Up to your child's library today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and celebration of differences. Click below to purchase and enjoy the adventure with Zeke and his new farm friends!

SLP Focus: Recognition and Value


Let's go, Kitty!


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